Friday, January 10, 2014

Emilie Sans Chichi round 2... Seriously!

We all like a good DIY, one that make us feel like :" Really?? I can do that??". I've told it before, I am a big fan of the blog Emilie Sans Chichi and I stick to it. I think that the girl behind it is very talented and has a big heart and no, I've never met her. I just have to read her words about her children and see the passion she puts in her DIY to know that she is one of us the crafters. Here I wanted to share with you the bunny doll she has made for her daughter's 5th b'day. She used a pattern from Lieschen Mueller and created the sweetest doll for her baby girl. I have to equally mention the outfits that she made for the doll. So to the lady behind the fantastic blog, rocked it! If you haven't yet, go discover the world of Emilie Sans Chichi.


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