Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lennon and Maisy

It is beautiful when we feel the inspiration coming from within, but when it comes from two young and powerful souls, I find it even more beautiful. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Restauration Hardware Baby & Child

The Holidays are around the corner and I can already smell the wood burning in the fireplaces. Restauration Harware Baby & Child is out and somptuous. The stylists have done an amazing job on this one.
Did you noticed the silver string lights?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween vampire cape

As both my daughters want to dress like vampires for Halloween, I was requested by them to create a cape that will be girly (with pink!). Easy!!!!! We went to the fabric store to pick some black cotton fabric and Mia-Lou chose a pink square of wool felt. I took it from there and tried to make two capes that hopefully both of them will love. Result, both love their cape. Yay!!!

Comme mes deux puces veulent se deguiser en vampires pour Halloween, elles m'ont demande de leur faire une cape de fille avec du rose. Facile!!! Nous nous sommes rendues a la boutique de tissus pour acheter du cotton noir et Mia-Lou a choisit un carre de feutrine rose. Je me suis occuppee du reste et ais essaye de creer 2 capes en esperant que toutes les deux soient contentes. Resultat, toutes les deux sont ravies. Yeah!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

La Petite Magazine issue 9 is out!

I follow all sort of magazine but like everyone else I have my favorites. Milk, Papier mache, Babiekins and of course La Petite.
In the latest issue of La Petite, architect Marie Laure-Bouwens from La Maison de Loulou strikes again. Her design is simple yet well thought and composed. On this one I will pat myself on the back because Marie-Laure used my Star Garlands to complete her beautiful design :))))))
Take a look!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Once upon a house

We've stepped way too quickly into fall. It feels like if winter is right here waiting for us around the corner. Is it going to be a cold one? Is it going to snow a lot? These are the questions that are on my mind. I love the snow but dislike feeling stuck inside so let's wait and see how it turns.
In the mean time I have to admit that it is hard for me to accept that the summer is over. So naturally when I surf the web and fall on a house that says "I'll see you next summer", I can't help but dream about how it would feel to wake up one sunny morning and go enjoy a breakfast with my family in its sumptuous garden. I found that house on the blog Dettagli Home Decor. I love the details of this house. Its architecture, the light that visits it and the soft colors that were chosen to immortalize it.

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